By joining the FUJIFILM Group and utilizing the technology and know-how we have developed so far, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation is able to integrate the development process of pharmaceutical products starting from the search for API synthetic routes all the way to supporting drug applications.
Manufacturing achievements for pharmaceutical products
Approved Pharmaceutical Products
APIs:4 (Japanese market)
Starting substances:4 (Japanese market)
Intermediate:1 (FDA approved)
Pharmaceutical Products under the development
Clinical trial of APIs and intermediates: Numerous
- Proper containment measures are taken prior to manufacturing for substances with infectivity, strong pharmacological effect, or toxicity such as cytotoxic anti-cancer agents.
The following substances are not handled at current facilities.
1. Substances with strong sensitization such as penicillin and cephalosporin
2. Steroids
3. Non-pharmaceutical products with strong toxicity such as herbicides and pesticides
Please contact us about cost/case/technology/quality control
Inquiry formIntroducing examples of custom synthesis
Customer case studies