HIVISWAKO is a highly safe water-soluble polymer compound conforming to “carboxyvinyl polymer” which is listed in “Japanese Standards of Quasi-drug Ingredients” and “Japanese Pharmaceutical Excipients”. It is known as “Carbomer” in the cosmetic grade and used for various purposes such as thickening, dispersion and emulsifying and so on because it thickens with small addition.
Carboxybinyl polymer (Carbomer)
Carboxyvinyl polymer is a crosslinking polyacrylic acid. It thickens by neutralizing with alkali as stirring the dispersion liquid. Since it shows higher viscosity and yield value than other thickeners, it is used for a wide range of applications such as base materials for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
・Excellent transparency
・Less variation of viscosity in each lot
・Good feeling, water retention and salt tolerance
Dry feeling due to high thixotropy

Water retention
Higher water retention than sodium polyacrylate or hydroxymethylcellulose

Salt tolerance
Less sensitive to divalent salt as well as monovalent salt (HIVISWAKO 105)

Types & Applications
HIVISWAKO 103 | 1 The type with the largest thickening effect depending on the additive amount 2 Suitable for the use in need of high viscous and hard gels |
HIVISWAKO 104 | 1 With the intermediate characteristics between 103 and 105 type, it can produce the gel with good transparency 2 Suitable to make gels for cosmetics and pharmaceutical products |
HIVISWAKO 105 | 1 Even by increasing the amount added, its viscosity won’t be extremely high and it can make the gel or dispersion liquid with a relatively low viscosity and excellent transparency. 2 With a wide effective pH range, the stability to the metallic ion and the availability to compound multi-products, as above this is the type having the widest application range. |